Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Listen to Class95FM - 150407

I listen to them (GO and FD) whenever I feel like listening but in actual fact, I enjoyed listening to the Eurasian fart dishing out his wackiness each morning with GO. Those 2 guys are beyond wack. I still prefer Joe Augustine though.

Today they were talking about tearing down the National Stadium in June to make way for a new one. What are your fondest memories?

Fondest memories....forced to voluntary signed for the flash card contigent when I was in Balestier ITE. It was fun/hot/stupid/interesting/funny/glowing experience.

Fun : We get to do something enjoyable besides attending class.

Hot : Well you know what is the weather like in Singapore. Hot wooden bench to rest my tired bum.

Stupid : Follow the lights and flip the huge card. Even that simple instructions...alot of students can't followed it.

Interesting : They served us with Filet O' Fish (Mc Donald) every time we had rehearsal. We get 1 or 2 bottles of mineral water. 1 apple. 1 round bread sliced half and stuffed with fish fillet (basically that wit no tartar sauce or anything)...wrapped with Mc Donald blue wrapper. So I know who is sponsoring the food. I Never get tired eating that same old stuff. It's delicious...why because it is fish. I LOVE fish.

Diverted : I eat fish for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Would never grow tired of eating them every single day. Favourite fish dishes...well can't decide as there is alot of them. Indian Mackeral in Spicy & Sweet Chilli Sauce (Sambal Ikan kembong). Indian Mackeral in Soy sauce (Ikan Kembong Kicap). Fish with alot of bones (dont know the name) that is stuffed with spicy coconut and grilled (Ikan Terubok dgn Sambal Kelapa Bakar). Stingray cooked in spicy and sour sauce (Asam Pedas Ikan Pari). Anchovies fried with black sauce and dried chillies (Ikan Bilis Kicap Pedas)

Enough about fishes....so Sedap.

Memorable experiences, knowing my 2 sisters (1st & 2nd) performs for the National Day. All 3 sisters have performed, except the youngest of course. I went twice to watch the parade as a spectator. Enjoyed everything Singapore.

Went once to the stadium just to watch fireworks eventhough we dont have tickets to enter. But being there and soking the atmosphere was priceless.

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