Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Idiot Day Today

I am so pissed off....DW is freaking, fuck-up, speaks absolutely terrible English, idiotic, balding prick!

He can't asked the big boss when the office is going to be shifted. He said why don't I asked him. Duh I could have done that ages ago but the fact that he think I'm a brainless female in a male world. He would just nod, smile like an idiot as always and then said later...he would check with DW first. Bloody MCP!!

Only reason why I am tolerating the 2 fucked up, backward people - One from South Korea and the other from Myammar because I need the money to pay my bills.

Freaking backward, dim-witted, low self-esteem (FBDWLSE) male monkey cant take the CM photos...he think he is too good for such work. He thinks that his so-called qualifications is too good to take photos. I've told him that the place is residential and if you instruct a Bang worker to take photos....these typical peanuts civilians thinks that the BW is going to rape/rob/murder them. Thinks that these workers is so low class and shouldn't be seen anywhere near their house. So pathetic. Just because of one black blame the whole crowd...well people is no perfect either.

I am so pissed off today.

Would post in detailed later. At least I felt better and not so angry as before. I'm in my right frame of mind to ask the bos when he plans to terminate me. So much easier rather than wait to be slaughter. I shall start closing my works/filing and apply for the necessary things. Would start searching for greener grass next month.

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